
GET api/BlockedUsers

Returns all blocked users for the authenticated tenant. Only 100 blocked user can be returned at a time. The following OData query options are allowed: $filter, $orderby, $select, $skip, $top.

POST api/BlockedUsers

Creates new blocked users.

DELETE api/BlockedUsers?userId={userId}

Deletes a blocked user.


GET api/CommunicationKeys

Returns all communication keys. Only 100 communication keys can be returned at a time. The following OData query options are allowed: $filter, $orderby, $select, $skip, $top.

GET api/CommunicationKeys/{id}

Returns a communication key.

POST api/CommunicationKeys

Creates a new communication key.

PUT api/CommunicationKeys/{id}

Updates a communication key.

DELETE api/CommunicationKeys/{id}

Deletes a communication key.


GET api/ExportCertificate

Returns the DER encoded export certificate.


GET api/FairPlayDataSets

Returns all FairPlay data sets. Only 100 data sets can be returned at a time. The following OData query options are allowed: $filter, $orderby, $select, $skip, $top.

GET api/FairPlayDataSets/{id}

Returns a FairPlay data set.

POST api/FairPlayDataSets

Creates a new FairPlay data set.

PUT api/FairPlayDataSets/{id}

Updates a FairPlay data set.

DELETE api/FairPlayDataSets/{id}

Deletes a FairPlay data set.


POST api/Import/KeySeeds

Imports key seeds from PSKC.


GET api/KeySeeds

Returns all key seeds. Only 100 key seeds can be returned at a time. The following OData query options are allowed: $filter, $orderby, $select, $skip, $top.

GET api/KeySeeds/{id}

Returns a key seed.

POST api/KeySeeds

Creates a new key seed.

PUT api/KeySeeds/{id}

Updates a key seed.

DELETE api/KeySeeds/{id}

Deletes a key seed.


GET api/Logs/LicenseRequests?from={from}&to={to}&page={page}&take={take}&filter={filter}&orderby={orderby}

WARNING: This endpoint has been disabled and must not be used anymore. Please contact Axinom support to gain access to license request logs.

GET api/Logs/LicenseRequests/Stats?from={from}&to={to}

WARNING: This endpoint has been disabled and must not be used anymore. Please contact Axinom support to gain access to license request logs.

GET api/Logs

Returns all log entries. Only 100 log entries can be returned at a time. The following OData query options are allowed: $filter, $orderby, $select, $skip, $top.

GET api/Logs/{id}

Returns a log entry.


POST api/OfflineEnvironments/{id}/ExportEncryptedMasterKey

Returns the offline environment master encryption key and the master encryption IV encrypted with the provided RSA-2048 public key.

POST api/OfflineEnvironments

Creates a new offline environment.

GET api/OfflineEnvironments

Returns all offline environments. Only 100 offline environments can be returned at a time. The following OData query options are allowed: $filter, $orderby, $select, $skip, $top.

GET api/OfflineEnvironments/{id}

Returns a offline environment.


GET api/WidevineDataSets

Returns all Widevine data sets. Only 100 data sets can be returned at a time. The following OData query options are allowed: $filter, $orderby, $select, $skip, $top.

GET api/WidevineDataSets/{id}

Returns a Widevine data set.

POST api/WidevineDataSets

Creates a new Widevine data set.

PATCH api/WidevineDataSets/{id}

Updates a data set with only the provided fields. If the PATCH method cannot be used, this endpoint can still be reached by using the POST method and setting the "X-HTTP-Method-Override" header to "PATCH".

DELETE api/WidevineDataSets/{id}

Deletes a Widevine data set.